Heaven Malone
This Christmas it's a black celebration for our annual riotous holiday party "A Depeche Mode Christmas".

What started as drunken karaoke in Heaven Malone's bedroom during his Christmas party, turned into a yearly debaucherous affair as it moved into a proper nightclub with live performers, crowd singalongs, and even a snow machine. After 7 years, we're doing it again, albeit, closer to his bedroom.

One of the first mainstream all electronic pop acts, Depeche Mode has been going strong from the 80s to the big screen with their dark and sexy sounds. Combining songwriter Martin Gore's religiously erotic lyrics with singer David Gahan's deep and pleading voice, Depeche Mode have had hits in every decade since their inception.


DJ sets by

Wednesday, December 26th

Empty Bottle Chicago, IL 60622

"Enjoy the silent night"
Heaven Malone